
Metal Video
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Kaaboos - Nordbundet (Taake cover) performed by Atash, the artist behind the Iranian Satanic Black Metal band Kaaboos.Friday the 13th October, this performance took place outside the Iranian embassy in Oslo, Norway. A rebellious act against the Islamic regime of his home country. Atash states: "Black Metal is a powerful weapon for rebellion and my goal with the protest show outside of the Iranian embassy in Oslo, was to give the Islamic regime a slap in the face. To show them that one can only blossom and discover oneself in freedom."Taake has been one of the leading bands in the Norwegian black metal scene since their formation. A band that its music has been incredibly inspirational for Atash, and many more artists out there. Nordbundet is a great example of where Taake stands and how black metal can be approached. "The lyrics are especially a great example of Norwegian spirit." he says, along with praising the track's musicality and atmosphere.Atash adds: "For centuries, religion has been the cause of many problems and unnecessary deaths in this world. Within the heart of this madness, the purity of life is forgotten." expressing how life has a lot more to it than bowing down to imaginary beings and devoting yourselves to it. He also speaks of his personal experiences back in Iran and the feeling of being trapped in a shell of nonsense and forced to go by a lifestyle he had not chosen, something he understood deeper the more he lived elsewhere.As Hoest says, "Til Helvete med Muhammed og Muhammedanerne!"Instagram: @kaaboos.atash#taake #nordbundet #norwegianblackmetal #iran #islam #protest